We are fast approaching the end of Financial Year and as always, there are a number of significant changes occurring to superannuation legislation effective 1 July 2021.
We often focus on the money-related benefits of financial planning. Putting together a road map for your finances can improve your money management skills and help you reach your goals like paying off debt or saving for retirement. It makes…
Here is a summary of the key takeaways for individuals and families from the 2020 Federal Budget announcement.
I read a lot of economic commentary and almost all of them state that financial (investment) assets are in a huge bubble at the moment. I heard one portfolio manager refer to markets living in ‘Lalaland’! If this is the case, we can easily …
2020 is proving to be the most challenging time for investment markets in a generation. The common advice from traditional financial advisers is to do nothing and ride it out. But this may not be the optimum approach for every investor, par…
Today, approximately 500 super funds are operating in Australia, with assets approaching $3 trillion. Superannuation is either the largest single asset held by Australians or the second most valuable asset behind the family home. Making the…
In these uncertain economic times, investors face the risk of downturns in the value of their investment portfolios. For executives, high-income earners and those with more extensive investment portfolios, the stakes are higher in dollar te…
We have been in a bull market since the GFC (2008). Because of this prolonged cycle of bullish prosperity, many investors have become complacent in their investment strategy as they expect the traditional asset market (shares) to continue t…
We have been in a bull market since the GFC (2008). Because of this prolonged cycle of bullish prosperity, many investors have become complacent in their investment strategy as they expect the traditional asset market (shares) to continue to g…
Our lives are increasingly busy and complicated. Your business, your job, your family and your health each require time and attention. But, finding time for everything is tough, and things get overlooked. One area often missed is plann…